'Why is there so much judgment in your eyes?' I wondered. I would reveal my inner life, who I truly am, but I know some live completely unaware of society and the mores of our generation. They would rather stand on their imaginary moralistic high ground and judge than to get in the trenches and actually love. While trying to stand taller than others they lose sight of their own sin and build a tall, empty, steel cold tower that points a hypocritical finger at the faults of others, all while wearing a mask that hides their own blunders from themselves because they are too petrified of rejection to reveal their inner world. If just for one second they looked inward and realized they also shared this human fault, that they too are searching for love on a planet that seems to hold so much pain, they would realize that my struggle and their struggle is just the same.
Such is the case of so many, naive and wishing to remain so because of the fear that we might fall into temptation; yet we already have by believing the lies that brood in our hearts and bring forth such bitterness, anger, and repulsion for others. We believe the lie that we can somehow be good by our works and not our faith, that we were somehow created better in God's eyes, even though God Himself has shown this to not be true because He has said that He loves all of His creation.
My heart goes out to them in sympathy because I know that I used to be blind. If God is love as we proclaim and He loves His creation enough to humble Himself and give His life for
any one's forgiveness who accepts Him, then how can we continue to judge others for sins we know not about and struggles that we are not willing to fully understand?
This is one of the greatest blunders humanity faces, the hypocrisy, the mediocrity, the inability to see others as God has created them and to appreciate their true worth. We go on mission trips and alternative Spring Break Trips to the poor, homeless, fatherless, sick and dying, yet do we reach out to a neighbor, a friend, a stranger who experiences these same symptoms? Who is more worthy of love and sympathy?
Hopefully this rant doesn't leave you with a bitter and hateful taste in your mouth because I believe that if we as a generation turn from the legalistic traditions ingrained within some doctrines and actually open the Word, we would realize God's true heart for this world and His true purpose in community. He created us interdependent on each other, and He created us to love, just as He has loved us, and He has created us to appreciate the beauty in life and in friendship. We have so much to be thankful for, because we have been provided for and loved all our lives; so let's pay it forward.